Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Smartphones and Unified Contact Center Reporting

A smartphone is a mobile phone that combines the traditional phones features and advanced computing and connectivity capabilities according to Wikipedia.  The advanced features include email, text messaging, browsing, interactive maps and calendar functions to name just a few business applications.  For the call center manager the smartphone provides constant contact with the call center reporting tools from Spectrum. 

A reporting solution must provide reports, alerts and allow for proactive response from the manager to be an effective and efficient reporting solution.  Smartphones have the features that offer this type of functionality and Spectrum takes full advantage of those features.

Reports and Alerts

An alert can take many forms above are just two ways that a manager can be alerted to the current status of the call center.  Graphics give a tremendous overview of the call center which is easy understand and react to.  A spreadsheet report could be run as a web page with drill down if the manager wanted to go to the next step.  Or a simple email notification that presents the status of the call center may be more appropriate for the manager.

Proactive Response:

 Productive and efficient managers use their smartphones to proactively respond to a change in status in the call center.  Using remote log in a manager is quickly able to send a message to the group, team leader or even to an agent and provide immediate direction and support.

The benefits of utilizing a smartphone in the call center are:
  1. Call center manager productivity is enhanced with scheduled and ad hoc reports;
  2. The manager and senior executives can remain mobile and receive alerts when thresholds and variances have exceeded the goals;
  3. Agents and team leader benefit from positive reinforcement messages from the manager.

Call center managers are very mobile and need the ability know what is going on in the call center but to also reply and respond to changes in the status of the call center.  Using a smartphone as part of Unified Call Center Reporting managers receive on going updates from the call center, are alerted when a threshold or a variance has occurred and are able to reply and respond quickly and effectively.

Spectrum is a leading provider of Unified Contact Center Reporting.  Contact Spectrum today to learn more about Contact Center Activity Monitoring and Unified Reporting.

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Dan Boehm
VP Sales and Marketing
713 986 8839

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Contact Center Activity Monitoring

In 2002 Gartner Group coined the phrase Business Activity Monitoring or BAM. This phrase refers to the aggregation of real time acitivities inside the organization. To narrow the focus of BAM within the call center another phrase is used - Contact Center Activity Monitoring or CCAM.

Contact Center Activity Monitoring is a process of capturing real time and historical data from various call center applications. Call center applications store the data in different manners so the application used to retrieve that data must be flexible and powerful enough to get the data. An effective CCAM software application must have mulitple methods of being able to connect and capture the data.
The image above shows six common methods of retrieving data from call center applications.
After the data is captured unified reports are built and published to the agents, team leaders and managers to use and gain the benefits of the information.
Key benefits of CCAM:
  1. The call center manager is able to make immediate and informed decisions;
  2. The call center is able to react quickly to changing status in the call center;
  3. Managers can make changes to the agents and team leaders to take advantage of the status change within the contact center.
  4. Agents, team leaders and managers are more effective and efficient with real time information.